Music Ministry
DCBC’s church choir is currently led by interim Paul Brownlow, and made up of many talented members in our church. Donna Bishop, and Carol Estes provide beautiful, integral accompaniment for the choir. AV ministry is provided by Tom Park and Kevin Hall. Paul, our musicians and our church choir work tirelessly to bless the hearts of our congregation through truly worshipful music each week. Choir practice is Wednesday at 7pm, DCBC Sanctuary.
Paul Brownlow has spent his entire life in Rome, most of it in the Armuchee community, graduating from Armuchee high school in 1977. After graduating high school he went on to get his Microcomputer specialist degree from Georgia Northwestern technical college, an Associate of science degree in business administration from Georgia Highlands College, and a bachelor’s degree in organizational management from Covenant College. He is employed by the Floyd county board of education as a technology specialist. As a youth, he studied music theory and jazz guitar at the King music studios in Rome. He has spent his entire life in church and church choirs, starting with children’s choir, youth choir and then adult choir. Paul began playing in praise and worship bands about 30 years ago playing guitar and bass, as well as singing solos and lead parts in choir specials. He has three children and two grandchildren.